воскресенье, 22 июня 2014 г.

"Theatre" by Maugham (Chapters 25-27)

Answer the following questions:

1. Why was Julia doubtful about her beauty and sex appeal the night after her adventure with Charles? She didn't manage to charm him.

2. How did she put her looks to the test? Why did she need it? That afternoon, when she had had her sleep, she got up, made up a little more than usual, and without calling Evie put on a dress that was neither plain nor obviously expensive and a red straw hat with a wide brim. She did it to check if she was still attractive.

3. Describe Julia's feelings when she had caught a young man's eye in the street? Rely on the lines starting with, "Suddenly her heart gave an exultant leap..." (Ch.25) and use your stylistic and linguistic knowledge while commenting.
"Suddenly her heart gave an exultant leap (metaphor). She had caught a young man's eye and she was sure that there was a gleam in it. She shot him a glance (phraseol. unit) and then modestly lowered her eyes. He fell back and she was conscious that he was following her. It was all right. She stopped to look into a shop window and he stopped too. She knew how to behave now. She was excited and pleased; it was a weight off her mind (metaphor). Her heart began to beat wildly (hyperbole)."

There are a lot of stylistic devices. all of them show how proud she was of her appearence and manners.

4. Did the date meet Julia's expectations? What were the man's real intentions towards having a cup of tea with Julia? No they didn't because the man wanted to take an autograph for his wife.

6. After the stroll, what thoughts occurred to Julia when she got back home and started reflecting over herself? Rely on the lines starting with, "When she got home she went upstairs to her room..." (Ch.25) and use your stylistic and linguistic knowledge while commenting.
"...I'm entirely devoid of sex appeal. You wouldn't believe it, would you? You'd say it was preposterous. What other explanation is there? I walk from one end of the Edgware Road to the other and God knows I'd dressed the part perfectly, and not a man pays the smallest attention to me except a bloody little shop-assistant who wants my autograph for his young lady. It's absurd. A lot of sexless bastards. I don't know what's coming to the English. The British Empire!..."
There are a lot of rithorical questions and exclamations that show her indignation and despire.

8. What was the name of the play Michael was putting on? -  Nowadays.

9. How did Julia feel before the rehearsals? She was excited. It was the beginning of a new adventure. She did not feel like a leading lady then, she felt as gay and eager as if she were a girl playing her first small part. But at the same time she had a delicious sense of her own powers. Once more she had the chance to exercise them.

10. The play Michael was staging was a modern version of The Second Mrs. Tanqueray by Arthur Pinero (1855-1934), an English playwright. What changes did Michael introduce to the original? He made it the comedy.

11. Why did Michael need Julia's advice about Avice's acting? He needed advice from a professional. He asked her for advice as a successful actress, not as his wife.

12. What motifs did Julia have to praise the mediocre Evice Crichton and keep her in the cast?
She didn't want to show him that she wants to take revenge. She wanted to prove Tom that she was above her love to him, that she didn't suffer without him.

14. What did Michael ask Julia to discuss with Roger?
He asked Julia to put before Roger the advantages of the Foreign Office and the brilliant possibilities of the Bar.

15. How did Julia react on Roger's reflection about his future? What did they eventually talk about? Julia was shocked as they talked about their relationships and her affair with Tom.

16. During their conversation, Julia notices some new traits in her son's character and behavior. What are they? apathy, lack of sparkling vitality and sense of humour.

17. Roger sounds reproachful to Julia. What doesn't he approve of? Do you agree with him? He believed that everything what his mother did for him was just her pretence. I think, it is partly true. All Julia's life was pay. and even her relationships with family were affected.

18. What were Julia's arguments to support her point of view about acting? Acting is a real life.

19. How did their talk end?
20. What was the thing Roger said that bothered Julia most? He said that he knew about her love to Tom.

Theatre by Maugham Chapters 15-18, 19-21, 22-24.

I. Russian Equivalents:
condescending letter – снисходительное письмо
pearl studs – жемчужные запонки,
peevish – капризный
fatuous irony – глупая ирония
to get back on smb – наказывать кого-то
to spend a lot on green fees – тратиться много на гольф
despicable – презренный
to give smb a treat – доставить удовольствие
to wheedle smb into – впутывать кого-то во что-то
prudishness – ханжество
to take liberties with smb –позволять себе вольность
to grudge – завидовать, жадничать
conspicuous – заметный
to take the rough with the smooth – стойко переносить превратности судьбы
to have a joke up your sleeve – всегда иметь готовую шутку
to mortify smb – усмирять, укрощать кого-то, унижать
disconcerted -смущенный

an understudy – дублер
perfidy – вероломство
wanton temperament – взрывной характер
to cut the date – отменить встречу
an American conjurer – американский фокусник
to make a stab at acting in America – попытаться заняться актерством в Америке
off the nail – навеселе
The R.A.D.A. - Королевская академия драматического искусства
in point of fact – на самом деле
insipid – пресный
hard as nails – закаленный, выносливый
for toffee – совершенно
be a sport – быть человеком
to beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около
to give the air – отмахиваться
to put one's foot down – препятствовать чему-то.

to make a clean breast of smth – дать чистосердечное признание
to tear smb limb from limb — рвать на части
to give smb a peep at your feet of clay — обнаруживать перед кем-то свое слабое мето
a sleeping-draught — снотворное
to and fro — туда-сюда
curtain calls — выход на поклон актера
pull oneself together — опомниться
magnanimous — великодушный
to cramp one's style — мешать кому-то
contrition — раскаяние
a succinct account of smth — краткий доклад
a bereavement — тяжелая утрата
an austere and snug little town — суровый и уютный город
to adhere to smth —предерживаться чего-либо


Julia hurted Tom by means of his social status. Tom decided to give up her. He returned all her presents, and was going to leave her. Julia understood that she overdid and decided to make scene and say that she loved him. Thus after a little conversation Tom remained with her. Julia even bought him a flat, that was near to her, furnished it. Several times a week together they appeared in restaurants and night clubs. Julia heard about some gossip and tried learn from Dolly, who gossiped about her, and during their conversation she knew that Tom promised some Evis the role in her play. She realized that Tom didn't love her and just used her.

среда, 7 мая 2014 г.

"A Time to Kill"

"A Time to Kill"  is a 1996 drama film adaptation of John Grisham's 1989 novel of the same name, directed by Joel Schumacher. Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kevin Spacey played in this film.

The film shockes with its plot. A 10-year-old black girl was violently raped by two guys. They tried to kill her but she survived. Rapists were arrested and brought to trial. But before the trial deeply shocked father of the girl Mr. Hailey shot them with a rifle, wounding a policeman who accompanied two criminals. And there a real fight beggan. Mr. Hailey asked to help a young lawyer, Jake Brigance who once helped him. Realizing that the case is hopeless the latter took it. Brigance understood at first that this case will help him to raise his status. However with every judical sitting it becomes more and more difficult to acquit Hailey, as Brigance has to deal with an experienced and prestigious lawyer Mr Rufus Buckley who has power and money. Moreover the brother of a killed rapist tries to make his own frontier justice in order to take revenge on Hailey. He asks to help The Ku Klux Clan, an extremist and racist organization who begins to terrorize everyone who tries to acquit the Afro-American, including Brigance's family. Now for him it becomes a poiny of honor to win this case...

The film in terrible colors shows us the essence of racism. In such a horrible story where the honor of a person and even the honor of a child was affected, a man who was made guilty became the farther who just defended the honor of his daughter! And only because of his color of skin. We can see how people were ready to shut their eyes on violance of white men if the matter concerns the offense of the black man.

So the film impressed me..And the most affective thing for me became the real historical aspect. This is The Ku klux Clan. I think this is a very important aspect in the film because it conveys the main idea of the movie. The Clan is an embodiment of violance, racism and terror. I think in the film their activity is shown in vivid colors...

вторник, 6 мая 2014 г.

The Emperor's Club.

The film "The Emperor's Club" was directed by M. Hoffman in the USA in 2002.This drama film is about a teacher of the prestigious preparatory school, St. Benedict's Academy, who faces the huge disappointment in the person of his student even 25 years later. Such actors as Kevin Kline, Emile Hirsch, Joel Gretsch, Jesse Eisenberg and others acted in the film.

The plot tells us about the past teaching activity of the prep school teacher Mr. Hundert. He is ambitious and fond of his work. His new students, one better than other, try to receive his sympathy and respect showing him their knowledge. Seeing in his class the big potential Hundert inspires his students to study hard in order to become one of the three contestants for The Emperor's Club and receive the title "Mr. Julius Caesar", in a competition which puts the top three students of his class in a contest where they will be asked questions about the Classics.

Some time later in his class a new student appeares. He is Sedgewick Bell, a son of Senator. He becames the real trouble for Mr. Hundert. Sedgewick constantly is rude to the teacher, breakes up his lessons and demonstrates his indifference. Anyway Mr. Hundert doesn't give up. Driven by his principle that a teacher should not miss his students, Mr. Hundert tries to make Bell the best one. He even fabricates his quiz results in order to let Bell to take participant in the contest of The Emperor's Club. Anyway oт the competition Sadgewick cheats and Mr. Hundert makes him failed.

25 years later Hundert learns that Sadgewick who became an adult and who now is a candidate for senator, wants to repeat this competition where he was failed in order to prove that he is worth of the title of "Mr. Julius Caesar". He invites Hundert and his former classmates in his residence and arranges the competition. Asking questions Mr. Hundert realizes that nothing changed. Sadgwick Bell as 25 years ago cheats.

He understands that he missed this student many times ago and that notion of honor, honesty and moral principle are alien to him.

This film is about such negative side of teaching work as students' ingratitude. Every teacher should be ready for that. Even the hugest dedication to this work sometimes leads to no results. Putting our heart in the work we should understand that everything can be spoiled by simple ignorance. I absolutely agree with the slogan of this film: "In everyone's life there's that one person who makes all the difference". Through one teacher go thousends of students, but someone of them can fully change your own attitude to your work. But it is not the end of the world! Mr Hundert was faithful to his principle that no one students should be missed all his teacher's life. But he understood that some students are too callous in order to fight for them. Such students are missed forever, for even time didn't change them. But it didn't break him. He understood that there are lot of other wonderful and talented studets to whome he can be dedicated.

I liked this film. Moreover i'd like to single out the casting, especially the acting of Kevin Kline. He managed to represent a real good teacher who did his best for the sake of his students.He perfectly playes especially in the scenes when he understands that Bell cheats. I think he wonderfully conveyed the pain for his student through his mimicry.  

воскресенье, 20 апреля 2014 г.

"Theatre" by S. Maugham (Chapter 14)

I. Find in the text the following words and phrases and translate them into Russian:
on one excuse and another – под одним или другим предлогом
to confess to oneself – признаться самому себе
that was all to the good – это все было к лучшему
shrewd – проницательный
vanity – тщеславие
to have an affair with smb. – иметь роман с кем-то
sallow – болезненный
to feel compassion for smb. – чувствовать сострадание к кому-либо
eminent persons – видный деятель
to lay no claims on sb. – не иметь никаких претензий по поводу кого-либо
to use all her arts of cajolery – призывать все свое искусство обольщения
stale food – несвежая еда
to overcome one's scruples – преодолеть сомнения
to have no inclination – не иметь склонности,
a man of the world – светский человек
she was modest about herself – она была скромного о себе мнения
a smack in the face – прямо в лицо
sulkily – угрюмо
Julia's heart was wrung – сердце Джулии сжалось
chivalrous courtesy – рыцарская учтивость, любезность
a vile disposition – подлый/ужасный нрав
alacrity – готовность
wistful – задумчивый
 to act with great naturalness – изображать с большой естественностью
she was in a black rage – она была в черной ярости
she'd get even with him – она с ним поквитается

to rack one's brains –ломать голову над чем-либо.

II. Answer the following questions:
1. Was Julia really in love with Tom Fennell? And he?
No I don't think so, I think she just wanted to be loved. And Tom was an appropriate person for it. He was younger, so she reckoned on his blind love.
2. How old was Tom? What did he do? Why was he a success with women?
Tom was twenty-two years old. "...There was something appealing in his slightness, his body was just skin and bone, that was why his clothes sat on him so well, and something charming in his clean freshness. His shyness and his effrontery combined to make him irresistible. It was strangely flattering for a woman..."
3. How can you characterize Roger? Where was he educated? What were his relations like with his parents? Did he know what he wanted to be? Did he want to go on the stage?
As the author describes him, Roger was a nice-looking boy, with reddish hair and blue eyes. He had neither his mother’s vivacity nor changing expression nor his father's beauty of feature. He was rather stolid and he had a serious look. He was educated in Eton. The relationship with his parents were straind.  He wanted to go to Vienna for a few months and learn German before going up to Cambridge. He did not yet know what he wanted to do in his life.
5. Was Julia as successful in the movies as in the theatre? Did she envy the film-stars?
Julia was not successful in the movies. She had some problems with it. She couldn't be there as expressive as she was on stage. She had to refuse from any of the offers from cinematograph. But Julia did not envy the film-stars because she will be on stage a long time while film-stars constantly disappeared.
6. Describe in detail how Julia managed to play different characters on the stage. What thrilled her? Why did she sometimes fell like God?
Julia adored the stage. It was her life. Only there she can feel that she really live. In the reality she just pretend in order to be loved. But on stage she felt like God. She realized it was her lif.
7. How did Julia revenge herself on Tom?
She decides to hurt his self-esteem. She reminds him of the need to leave a tip for domestics putting money in envelope.

III. Make up a list of words and phrases describing Tom Fennell. Comment on the repetition of "a young man" in the text. First "he was a blushing young man" for Julia. Did her attitude change when she was better aquainted with him? Prove it by giving examples from the text.
charmingly boyish eyes
nice little thing
his lips were soft
a perfume of youth
a fresh, clean look

The author uses this repetition in order to show how Julia refers to Tom. He was her young man who made her also younger.

IV. Find in the text epithets and similes which characterize Julia and Michael and say what effect the author achieves by using them.
"she read his mind like an open book" - refers to Michael, it shows Julia's attitude to him, it characterizes her like an experienced woman who lived enough time with her husband in order to understand him and know his feelings.

V. What stylistic device did Maugham employ at large to characterize Julia? Illustrate your answer with the examples from the text. Comment on the lexicon used by Julia. To what stylistic layer of the vocabulary does it belong? How does it characterize Julia?
Julia used a lot of abusive language such as "blasted fool, bloody, damned". It belongs to low stylistic layer of the vocabulary and it characterizes her hot temper. It shows her artistic nature.

VI. Give a summary.
Julia tried to make Tom happy, she decided to change his life, to make him rich and successful. He seems snob to her and she decided to bring him to high society but soon she saw that he was not interested in her. He prefered to communicate with young people such as Julia's son Roger or Evis, a young actrees. Julia understood that Tom just used her.

"Theatre" by S. Maugham (Chapters 11-13)

I. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian:

a profound contempt – глубокое презрение
to have first nights – проводить премьеры,
to be exemplary – примерный
a pattern of conjugal fidelity – образец супружеской верности
to separate - расставаться
be ingenuous – быть открытым, прямолинейным,
to cry almost at will – специально разрыдаться
common sense – здравый смысл
to elope with smb. – сбежать с кем-то
preposterous – абсурдный
curtain calls – выход на поклон
prudish – чопорный
in for a penny in for a pound – назвался груздем – полезай в кузов
this was all a put-up job – подстроить что-то специально,
indecent – непристойный
in a flash – в мгновение ока,
to take liberties with smb. – быть чересчур фамильярным с кем-то
a matinee – дневной спектакль, утренник
amiably – любезно,
well-chosen words – меткие слова
to have no sequel - не иметь продолжения
to erase the episode from her memory – стирать эпизод из памяти,
pleasant reveries sauntered through her mind – приятные грезы летали в ее голове
hectic flush – лихорадочный румянец
to see in the flesh – увидеть в живую
to hurt one's pride – задеть чью-то гордость, самолюбие
to have an inkling – заподозрить что-то

to pawn – ручаться.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How did Julia and Lord Tamerly get acquainted? Was Julia his mistress? What did Julia owe to Charles Tamerly?
They got acquainted at Dolly de Vries's luncheon which was organised because of Julia's success. Julia was not his mistress, although everybody thought in the same way. Julia owed to Tamerly because the latter helped her in the acting

2. Describe Julia's acting when Lord Tamerly declared his love to her. How can you prove that it was only make-believe?
"...She sat down and for a minute looked silently at the miniature. Timing it perfectly, she raised her eyes till they met Charles's. She could cry almost at will, it was one of her most telling accomplishments, and now without a sound, without a sob, the tears poured down her cheeks. With her mouth slightly open, with the look in her eyes of a child that has been deeply hurt and does not know why, the effect was unbearably pathetic. Then she just cried and nodded..."

3. Why do you think Julia agreed to have tea with the young man? What was his name? Did Julia know it or not?
Because it flattered her self-esteem. She was successful and she got used to bath in plentiful attention, especially from young men. Althoug she didn't know him, she was glad to accept the suggestion to have tea.

4. Was the young man as shy as he seemed to be?
No, I think he wasn't. he had his own benefits from acquaintance with Julia. He wanted to seem shy in order to be liked by Julia.

5.How did he show his admiration for Julia?
he made it clear to her that he admired her since his childhood.

6. What feelings did Julia experience after the date with the young man? How did she act after that? How old was Julia at that time? What's your opinion of Julia's behaviour?
When the young man begins to kiss her, Julia submits. To her surprise she likes it. She understands that it is very stupid, but anyway she feels younger. she understands that she falls in love. Then Julia decided to make the young man happy. She tries to attach him to herself by means of rich presents, payment of his debts, etc.
I think her behaviour looks like the behaviour of a young girl whe wants to be loved.

7. Describe the episode of Julia's adventure on the train to Cannes. What was Julia's attitude towards this accident? Give quotations from the text and comment on them. What do you think of this adventure?
Going to Cannes she made acquaintance with the attache at the Spanish Embassy in Paris who was going to Cannes for Easter. He gave her his place in the sleeper, for there were no free ones. They spent the night together, and after a while it turned out that he had a family. But as time passed Julia's indignation was mitigated.
"...she had often thought of the adventure since with a good deal of pleasure. After all it had been fun. Sometimes she allowed her reveries to run away with her and she went over in her fancy the incidents of that singular night. He had been a most agreeable lover. It would be something to look back on when she was an old woman. He remained in her recollection, and in her bones, without a name..."

8. When did Julia see Tom Fennell again? Under what circumstances?
They met again in her house. She didn’t remember his name, but later she got to know that it was that young man. He wanted to see her again, and Julia tried to refuse him, but couldn’t and agreed to meet with Tom in her dressing-room.

9. What do you think attracted Julia to Tom? How old was he?
As I said before, Julia liked to be in the spotlight. especialy in the spotlight from young men. She felt the she was still a young woman.

10. Why do you think Tom was interested in grand people?
He had his own benefits. He wanted to seem a benefactor.

11. Do you approve or disapprove of Julia's love affair with Tom Fennell?
I disapprove of it. She had her husband. and having love affair with Tom she betrayed him.

III. Make up a list of words and phrases which the author uses to show Julia's attitude towards Tom Fennell. Comment on their semantics and stylistic value.
He was like a poor lamb
a sweet little thing
Young, fresh
She could have taken him in her arms then and there and kissed his blue eyes. She adored him.
a silly little thing
a simple fool
charmingly boyish

All of these words refers to the thenantic field of youth. Julia attituded to him like to a child.

V.In chapter 11 you can find the following phrase: "... like Venus rising from the waves." What is the source of this allusion? Comment on it nd its stylistic effect.
this allusion refers to the "The Birth of Venus". It is a 1486 painting by Sandro Botticelli. It depicts the goddess Venus, having emerged from the sea as a fully grown woman, arriving at the sea-shore (which is related to the Venus Anadyomene motif).

I think the author used it in order to compare Julia with Venus. As we know Venus is a symbol of beauty and youth. It symbolize a regeneration of life. With the young Tomas Julia felt younger.

VI. Give a summary of chapters 11-13.

Julia realized that her husband didn't love her and soon she fell out of love with him. She decided to dedicate entirely herself to the stage...One day Julia received flowers from the unknown man. He turned out to be Tommas Fannel, the accountant who was hired by her husband. They began to meet, and soon Julia understood that she fell in love with him. She tried to make him happy, she changed his life, he became rich and successful, but soon she saw that Tommas was not interested in her. He prefered to communicate with young people such as Julia's son Roger or Evis, a young actrees. He promised her that he manage to make her an actrees in Julia's theatre. Julia knew it and understood that Tom just used her.

воскресенье, 23 марта 2014 г.

"Theatre" by Maugham (Chapters 7-10)

I. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian: 

placidity – безмятежность;
to make frantic scenes – устраивать безумные сцены;
to give somebody a look of scorn – бросить презрительный взгляд на кого-либо;
lavishness – щедрость;
to pull strings adroitly – пользоваться связями;
to fall out of love – разлюбить;
close-cropped hair – коротко стриженный;
 weather-beaten skin – обветренная кожа;
coltish grace – неуклюжая грация;
to be on active service – быть в действующей армии;
confinement – роды;
to run a theatre – руководить театром;
effusive – экспансивный, бурный;
to set one's mind to smth. – стремиться к чему-либо;
disconcerting – смущающий, приводящий в замешательство;
it's a knock out – сногсшибательно;
amiability – добродушие;
affable manner – дружеское обращение;
to exercise great ingenuity in (doing) smth. – проявить великую изобретательность в чем-то;
to be unperturbed – быть невозмутимым;
shrewdness – проницательность;
to grizzle – возмущаться, раздражать;
it's a mere commonplace – это банально;
exorbitant – непомерный;
to be conciliatory – примирительный, дружелюбный;
to foster one's career – способствовать чьей-то карьере;
prosiness – прозаичность;
acumen – сообразительность;
to have one's face lifted – подтянуть кожу лица;
it's no good crying over spilt milk – потерянного не воротишь;
to have little flirtations – заводить небольшие интриги;
masseuse – массажистка;
gossip column – колонка светской хроники;

the world of make-believe – мир-понарошку.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Michael and Julia do when the war broke out?
Michael went to the front, and Julia stayed on the stage.

2. Why do you think Michael enjoyed the war?
I  think so because Michael was not realy intended for scene, he was more intended for the militaey affair. He had practical mind.

3. Do you think love is important for a successful family life? Would you share your point of view on this problem with your fellow students?
Certainly, it is. Love is one of the main things, and perhaps the most important one in order to make the family life successful. Family is the most important relationship between people and only love can make it firmer.

4. How did it happen that Julia fell out of love with Michael?
She became pregnant. She believed in her happy and successful family life, believed that Michael would love her, if only she mamaged to create the necessary condition for happy family, to give the birth to baby. But when she became pregnant and saw that even their future baby can't change Michael's attitude to her, Julia realized he never loved her.

5. How did Michael manage to find the money to rent a theatre? What was the theatre called? Who was in the partnership with him?
Michael inherited his parent's money after their death. But the rent of theatres had gone up enormously, the salaries of actors and the wages of stagehands had increased, so that the expense of running a theatre was very much greater than it had been before the war. Then they found a rich woman, not so old, who was interested in Julia. She helped them to run a theatre. Mrs. de Vries was a widow. She had a passion for the stage.The theatre was then called the Siddons Theatre.

6. Why was Julia against Michael's taking up directing?
She did not believe in him as a director.

7. What kind of director was Michael?
I think he was capable of directing. He had a practical mind. It was his calling. in any case he was more succeeded in it than in acting.

8. What irritated Julia in Michael more and more? How did he change in Julia's eyes?
Michael’s thrift, which in at first seemed to her an amusing, rather touching trait, now irritates her. Moreover, he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. Besides, as a youth he had taken his beauty for granted, but that time he began to pay more attention to it and spared no pains to keep what was left of it. It became an obsession. He devoted anxious care to his figure. He never ate a fattening thing and never forgot his exercises.

9. Why was Julia sad when she thought of her married life?
Because it was not what she dreamed of. She dreamed of being loved by her husband, but it turned out to be the "world of make-believe"

11. Julia's dresser and maid was a Cockney, wasn't she? Please prove it using the examples from the text.
 "...if he saw you now 'e wouldn't, not if I know anything about men..."

12. Who was the unknown man who sent flowers to Julia? Why did she write him a thank you note?
The man who sent flowers to Julia was Tommas, that accountant who was hired by her husband. She wrote him only because it was usual thing for her to thank her admirors, for public can not be hurt.

III.  Comment on the phrase from chapter 9: "Roger had been entered for Eton within a week of his birth." Comment on it. Give a short presentation on public schools in Britain.

Roger was a son of Michael and Julia. As a son of rich and successeful parents he had a chance to be entered Eton, a very prestige boarding school.

Eton is a British independent boarding school located in Eton, near Windsor in England. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor".
Eton is one of nine English independent schools, commonly referred to as "public schools", included in the original Public Schools Act 1868. Following the public school tradition, Eton is a full boarding school, which means all pupils live at the school, and is one of four such remaining single-sex boys' public schools in the United Kingdom to continue this practice. It has educated nineteen British Prime Ministers and generations of aristocracy.

VI. Give a summary of chapters 7-10. (in written form)
Michael went to fight, and Julia was left alone. She continued to play on the stage and soon she became a successful actrees. She had a right to rest so she left the scene for a while all the more she became pregnant. After the war Michael decided to run his own theatre. He got inheritance from his parents after their death and soon with a financial help from Mrs. de Vries, a rich woman who was an admirer of Julia, Michael became a director of the theatre.

Julia realized tha her husband didn't love her and soon she fell out of love with him. She decided to dedicate entirely herself to the stage...One day Julia received flowers from the unknown man. He turned out to be Tommas Fannel, the accountant who was hired by her husband. They began to meet, and soon Julia understood that she fell in love with him. She tried to make him happy, she changed his life, he became rich and successful, but soon she saw that Tommas was not interested in her. He prefered to communicate with young people such as Julia's son Roger or Evis, a young actrees. He promised her that he manage to make her an actrees in Julia's theatre. Julia knew it and understood that Tom just used her.

Julia realizes that all her life is a play. She doesn't want to play any more in order to be loved. She doesn't need in love.She belongs only to herself. After her triumphal play she goes to the restaurant in order to spend time as she really wishes.., with bear and beefsteak.

воскресенье, 9 марта 2014 г.

"Theatre" by Maugham (Chapters 3-6)

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:

Asset - a single item of ownership having exchange value
A sumptuous supper - the evening meal amazing its abudance
Extravagance - an extravagant action, notion
Thrift – wise economy in the management of money
To remonstrate - to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.
Equanimity - calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure.
at a loose end  - in an uncertain or unsettled situation or position.
completion of something - to end smth.
to jeopardize - to put in jeopardy; hazard; risk; imperil.
alacrity - readiness, promptness, or willingness.
susceptible to - easily influenced or affected.
obsequious - characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference.
retainer - a servant or attendant who has served a family for many years.

II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be," - This quotation characterizes Michael. He is a thrifty person.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be,"  - This quotation shows Jimmie's anxiety about relationship between Michael and Julia.

III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?
It refers to Julia. Marriage and career of an actor are hardly compatible with each other.

IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:

1."He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism."
It refers to Michael. I think he was unable to resent in general. Michael was an inefficient actor and he realized it therefore he accepted the criticism as a truth.
2. "... after all he was born a gentleman." This phrase also refers to Michael. Here we can see his parents' opinon. They could't accept that their son chose the stage career instead of military one. They believed being born a gentleman he was to become the military.
3. "'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'"  It refers to Julia who is happy that her husband failed with the contract. She understands that it is the bad news, but she is glad to it because she wants her husband to be with her.

воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

Maugham "Theatre" (Chapters 1-2)

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:

1.Complacency - a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect.
2.filthy - vile; vulgar; obscene
3. supercilious – haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
4. military bearing – is how a soldier conducts himself on duty. 
5. stupendous –amazingly large or great
6. staggered – a state of becoming unsteady:
7. natural homage – special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly and accepted as one's due
8. entanglement –the act of entangling.
9. concubinage – cohabitation of a man and woman without legal or formal marriage
10. languorous –  lacking energy, spirit, liveliness or vitality
11. flippant rejoinder – when you retort without care.
12. to risk smth –  to expose to the chance of injury or loss.

II. Search for the allusions in the text. Define their type (literary, artistic, historical and others) and functions; explain their meaning.

Jean-Marc Nattier (artistic) -  French painter,  a miniaturist, noted for his portraits of the ladies of King Louis XV's court in classical mythological attire.
As a painter Nattier was considered to have a high aesthetic taste. The allusion serves to compare the taste of the main character with the great artist's one. 
Charles John Kean (artistic) - English actor and theater director.
serves to show the theatrical atmosphere which their life is impregnated with. 
William Shakespeare (literary) - an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
The allusion serves to show the high theatrical atmosphere.
Mounet-Sully - (artistic) - a French actor of the 20th century.
The allusion serves to show the high theatrical atmosphere.
Sarah Siddons (artistic) -  a Welsh actress, the best-known tragedienne of the 18th century. She was most famous for her portrayal of the Shakespearean character, Lady Macbeth.
This allusion serves to compare the main character with a cult figure, thus to convey her feelings experienced by celebrities. 
Sir Thomas Lawrence (artistic) - a leading English portrait painter and president of the Royal Academy.
The allusion serves to show that the main characters belong to the high society and their surroundings correspond to it. 

III. Using direct and indirect evidence from the text give character sketches of Julia Lambert and Michael Gosselyn

Julia Lambert is the main character of the novel. She is 46 years old. She is the most famous theater actress in England. Her life is very successful: she has a successful husband Michael, the owner and director of the theater "Siddons," where she plays, an educated adult son, Roger, and the glory with admirers. Her feelings manifests mainly on the stage. Her husband Michael is closed and reserved, but he doesn't love her.
Her character is revealed indirectly by means of her acts and thought. We can see that she is a little selfish because she likes that she is admired by young people. 

Michael Gosselyn is another character of the novel. He is a husband of Julia Lambert. He is described directly. Being a young man, with a great mass of curling chestnut hair, with a wonderful skin and large deep blue eyes, a straight nose and small ears, he had been the best-looking actor on the English stage. Since his five years at the war he had adopted a military bearing, so that if you had not known who he was you might have taken him for an officer of high rank. But even now he is considered to be a very handsome man. Such description shows us that Michail is a confident man.

IV. Summary.

Julia Lambert, a famous actress comes to her husband, an owner of the theater, and makes the acquaintance of a young man. This man is a young accountant hired by her husband to restore order in the account of the theatre. Her husband Michael says that the young man is her admirer and dreams to make the acquaitance of her for a long time. She decides to invite him for a lunch, thus give him a big chance to diversity his boring life. Then she invites him to the theater on the play where she plays. Although he saw the play with her participation three times, and was glad to see it again behind the scenes. Julia is flatter by his attention and in order to make him happy she gives him her photo. She recollected her past. When she came to Langton’s troupe, Michael had already worked there, and grew popular with the company. Julia’s aunt, a former actress, gave her first acting lessons, due to which she entered the Royal Academy of dramatic art. Being on tour she met Jimmie Langton. 

пятница, 21 февраля 2014 г.


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среда, 8 января 2014 г.

A farewell to Arms

I'd like to tell about an amazing movie "A Farewell to Arms". This is a 1932 American romance drama film directed by Frank Borzage and starring Helen Hayes, Gary Cooper, and Adolphe Menjou.It tells about the love between ambulance driver Lt. Henry and Nurse Catherine Barkley during World War I. The action takes place in Italy and the two fall in love during the war and will stop at nothing to be together. The film also analyses Lt. Henry's feelings on war and the purpose of fighting.

I‘d like to single out  the play of the actors who managed to convey the souls of their characters, the true love and pain. However, sometimes the development of the love affair did not seem natural, they overacted.

As for the movie, I think it is too sentimental. As for me, this aspect pushes off. Also the events of the film go too quickly and the hardships and other experiences of Lieutenant Henry are passed over too abruptly. But on the whole, this movie is worth to watch because of its exact transmission of the origin plot of the famous novel by Ernest Hamingway.  

In Love and War

"In Love and War" is a 1996 romance drama film based on the book, Hemingway in Love and War by Henry S. Villard and James Nagel, starring Mackenzie Astin, Chris O'Donnell, Sandra Bullock, and Margot Steinberg. This film takes place during World War I, and is based on the World War I experiences of the writer Ernest Hemingway. It was directed by Richard Attenborough. The film was entered into the 47th Berlin International Film Festival.

This film is largely based on Ernest Hemingway's real experience in World War I as a young soldier in Italy. He was wounded and sent to military hospital where he shared a room with Villard (who authored the book the movie is based on) and they were nursed by Agnes von Kurowsky. Hemingway and von Kurowsky fell strongly in love but somehow the relationship didn't work out.
The film—apparently in a deliberate attempt to capture what the director called Hemingway's "emotional intensity"—takes liberties with the facts. In real life, unlike the movie, the relationship was probably never consummated, and the couple did not meet again after Hemingway left Italy.

There is a perfect selection of actors, their performances impressed me. I liked Sandra Bullock’s performance the most, because she played the role of Kurowsky with sense. Sandra creates an impression of a strong, smart, kind, and gentle woman.