"A Time to Kill" is a 1996 drama film adaptation of John Grisham's 1989 novel of the same name, directed by Joel Schumacher. Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kevin Spacey played in this film.
The film shockes with its plot. A 10-year-old black girl was violently raped by two guys. They tried to kill her but she survived. Rapists were arrested and brought to trial. But before the trial deeply shocked father of the girl Mr. Hailey shot them with a rifle, wounding a policeman who accompanied two criminals. And there a real fight beggan. Mr. Hailey asked to help a young lawyer, Jake Brigance who once helped him. Realizing that the case is hopeless the latter took it. Brigance understood at first that this case will help him to raise his status. However with every judical sitting it becomes more and more difficult to acquit Hailey, as Brigance has to deal with an experienced and prestigious lawyer Mr Rufus Buckley who has power and money. Moreover the brother of a killed rapist tries to make his own frontier justice in order to take revenge on Hailey. He asks to help The Ku Klux Clan, an extremist and racist organization who begins to terrorize everyone who tries to acquit the Afro-American, including Brigance's family. Now for him it becomes a poiny of honor to win this case...
The film in terrible colors shows us the essence of racism. In such a horrible story where the honor of a person and even the honor of a child was affected, a man who was made guilty became the farther who just defended the honor of his daughter! And only because of his color of skin. We can see how people were ready to shut their eyes on violance of white men if the matter concerns the offense of the black man.
So the film impressed me..And the most affective thing for me became the real historical aspect. This is The Ku klux Clan. I think this is a very important aspect in the film because it conveys the main idea of the movie. The Clan is an embodiment of violance, racism and terror. I think in the film their activity is shown in vivid colors...
The film shockes with its plot. A 10-year-old black girl was violently raped by two guys. They tried to kill her but she survived. Rapists were arrested and brought to trial. But before the trial deeply shocked father of the girl Mr. Hailey shot them with a rifle, wounding a policeman who accompanied two criminals. And there a real fight beggan. Mr. Hailey asked to help a young lawyer, Jake Brigance who once helped him. Realizing that the case is hopeless the latter took it. Brigance understood at first that this case will help him to raise his status. However with every judical sitting it becomes more and more difficult to acquit Hailey, as Brigance has to deal with an experienced and prestigious lawyer Mr Rufus Buckley who has power and money. Moreover the brother of a killed rapist tries to make his own frontier justice in order to take revenge on Hailey. He asks to help The Ku Klux Clan, an extremist and racist organization who begins to terrorize everyone who tries to acquit the Afro-American, including Brigance's family. Now for him it becomes a poiny of honor to win this case...
The film in terrible colors shows us the essence of racism. In such a horrible story where the honor of a person and even the honor of a child was affected, a man who was made guilty became the farther who just defended the honor of his daughter! And only because of his color of skin. We can see how people were ready to shut their eyes on violance of white men if the matter concerns the offense of the black man.
So the film impressed me..And the most affective thing for me became the real historical aspect. This is The Ku klux Clan. I think this is a very important aspect in the film because it conveys the main idea of the movie. The Clan is an embodiment of violance, racism and terror. I think in the film their activity is shown in vivid colors...